A friend posted on Facebook asking about how varied ones music collection is. I replied and got chided for not stating what I have in my collection. As I listed a name in my varied collection, a memory or a feeling would emerge. Something to remind me of my connection to that music. For me music is the backdrop of my life. Songs are connected to times & events in my life. They are also tied into my mood and what I am focusing on in my life. There is always a song running through my head. Always. The one I hear when I wake up gives me a clue into what my subconscious has been processing. This is how I work. I understand there are those out there whose minds are not constantly churning thoughts & ideas complete with their own soundtrack. I find that fascinating and would love to chat with you sometime. The next morning I realize that I didn’t put a couple of artists on my list that my friend would be interested in. The artists wander through my head & I stick on a song. I try to let the song go as I instantly know where that song goes and do not care to visit that memory today. As I ponder the interconnectedness of music & memories & feelings, I wander back to that song. Sigh.
Into the Overwhelm
Well. Here we are. 2017. Another year. I’ve somehow made it through the last one and face another year in the After. I like to have a guiding word for the year. Something to rotate my thoughts and ideas around. As 2016 was finally ending, I started searching for the word that seemed to fit my life & would serve me well in the upcoming year. I’d sit & pray & think & listen to that still small voice. I didn’t get a word. I got a picture. It was of a large, menacing-yet-beautiful wave just off the shore. I am standing in front of it facing it head on. I am called to walk through it. Into the Overwhelm. No tidy, cute, one-word mantra. A picture and a phrase. I don’t like the implications but it fits. It feels right. Into the overwhelm I go.